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Motorized Shades & Natural Lighting


Though the presence of natural light may not seem like much, especially upon first thought, it has been scientifically proven to improve the quality of life around any home. In fact, there are a number of health benefits that can come with a proper dose of natural light. In today's blog, we'll be discussing how natural lighting can improve livelihood in your home, in addition to how motorized shades, one of our premier services here at SDI, can get you closer to such benefits. If that sounds interesting, keep reading below for more information!

Working From Home? Natural Lighting is Invaluable

In times when working from home is ubiquitous, soaking in natural light has been shown to improve and upgrade any work environment. As a matter of fact, according to a survey from Future Workplace, over 1,600 employees agreed that "access to natural light and views of the outdoors" was the most desirable feature of any workplace environment, even more desirable than on-site child care and fitness centers.

But why is this the case? Why do so many people favor natural iighting where they do their work?

Vitamin D and Other Benefits

When exposed to natural light, particularly sunlight, the human body soaks in Vitamin D, a nutrient that is linked to a number of health benefits. It can reduce the risk of heart disease and can even help you lose weight. Another positive of Vitamin D is that you don't need to be outside to enjoy its benefits, making natural lighting in your home all the more ideal.

How Can Motorized Shades Help With Natural Lighting?

Motorized shades, like other smart home technologies, can be best synopsized in one word: convenience. With a motorized shade system, you can alter the shades in your home with remarkable ease and simplicity. All it takes is the simple tap of a button to grace your home with natural lighting and for you to enjoy its benefits. If you work from home, motorized shades are especially ideal, as with them, you won't have to interrupt your workflow to manually adjust your shades.

Looking For Motorized Shades? Consider SDI!

Why not get one step closer to getting motorized shades for your home? SDI has delivered excellent results in home automation, home theaters, home audio systems, and more to homeowners in the greater Boston area. Established in Needham, SDI is happy to work with homeowners in the area to help them reach their goals. To get in touch with us, simply give us a call at (617) 391-8919 or contact us through our website!

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